One of the most special exhibitions since its creation has been opened in the national photo library “Marubi”.
For the first time, all the working tools of the dynasty of photographers and the laboratory with equipment over 100 years old have been presented, which have been returned to working condition.
“From the very beginning, this exhibition has been built with the focus on the objects of the photographers’ own work. “Located near his place of work that we have brought back to life, there we find Gege Marubi himself, at his desk, a desk that we look at with all his tools”, says Lucian Bedeni, director of “Marubi”.
“We built the photography lab, otherwise known as the ‘Dark Room’. Here we find, I mean for the time, a machine for drying photographic paper ‘BAJRUT’ for the very emancipated time“, Says Lucian Bedeni.
Lucian, they are almost 100-year-old devices, how difficult has it been to get them back in working order?
“It was really very difficult, because a large part of them were not in function at all. “I remember that for one of the devices we had to order a lamp in Jamaica many months in advance”, he answers.
Just turn on the seconding device and then the whole device is in working order for the photographer. There you will find an original note by Gegë Marubi which reads “A red glass, of a candle that washes the photos by candlelight” on October 4, 1941.
In the coming days, students and citizens will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the original process from the shooting of gunpowder photography during the last century, to its stamping.
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