The Transparency Board convened on June 8, 2022 set new retail and wholesale fuel prices for the domestic market. These prices reflect the changes that have taken place in international markets.
We clarify that:
The prices approved by the Board, which reflect the prices of by-products on the Exchange, the customs / tax duties applied, as well as the maximum gross trading margins (including VAT), are ceiling prices and no economic operator can trade these by-products beyond the Board Decision.
Any wholesale and retail economic operator is free to trade these by-products at prices lower than the maximum prices approved by the Board.
Based on the above, based on the methodology of price construction according to article 21/5 of the Normative Act, the Board decided:
Retail price of gasoline by-product of standard SSH EN 590 to be 258 ALL / liter, while wholesale price 246 ALL / liter.
The retail price of the gasoline by-product of the SSH EN standard should be 243 Lekë / liter, while the wholesale price should be 231 Lekë / liter.
The retail price of the gas by-product should be 86 Lekë / liter at retail and the wholesale price at 74 Lekë / liter for vehicles.
(Note: the selling price for vehicle liquefied petroleum gas will be the supply price at gas stations at gas stations, while at other points for household and industrial customers the price should not include excise).
The prices set by the Board will take effect today, June 8 at 18.00 pm and will be valid until the next meeting of the board where the changes in selling prices will be reflected.
We draw the attention of every wholesaler and retailer of petroleum by-products to the obligation to implement this decision.
In case of violations found by various operators, the activity will be suspended.
We are constantly monitoring the progress of the stock exchanges, in order to react as quickly as possible
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