The 212 Afghan citizens who stayed in our country for several months were escorted to the US with a ceremony in Rinas by US Ambassador Yuri Kim and Foreign Minister Olta Xhaçka.
A total of 2400 Afghans fled the war and were hosted in Albania for months.
“Good evening dear friends. I was very excited when I came here to say goodbye and meet some of you. I remember it as if it was only a few days ago when you came and welcomed you for the first time in this place. I have to say, that today I have really mixed feelings, on the one hand, I am very happy for each of you, I know that this is what you wanted, that this is what you dreamed of and I am very happy that this dream came true and to some extent, it came true even faster than we dared to hope.
I know that most of you have been successful people at home, in all walks of life, people who made a difference in Afghanistan, whether in the media, whether in human rights and women’s rights, or in the academy world. I know you must have a lot of emotions today, some anxiety, but let me tell you this, as someone who has been an immigrant to the United States, who has studied there, who has lived there, who knows the United States, this it’s the best place and the place of opportunity, and if you succeed in Afghanistan, despite the risk, the hardships, I’m sure you will have a fantastic future in the United States and you will succeed there for a long time.
But in addition to happiness I must say that I also feel sad. This is the end of an operation for many of you and for many of us, for whom obviously we gave everything, we gave our heart and mind, we saw you and welcomed you as guests, but you also became our friends. Today our friends are leaving. I hope that you always have a good memory for this country, for Albania, for its people and that in the future you will come back to visit us and we really look forward to that day, but I also strongly believe that this operation, your evacuations and shelter, not only helped you, I strongly believe it helped us too. I had this conversation with many of the people who were involved and who made this possible, from the American embassy, or the people who came here to assist you, to help, that this operation has made us all more people well and we will never forget this experience, moreover it has made us friends and has made our bond with old friends even stronger. I met some extraordinary people during this operation, which I am proud to call friends, I do not want to list them all, but I want to mention Arzon that I see today tearful with sadness, but also with joy to move towards a of a much better future, has been so stunning in her passion and dedication. Thank you so much for everything you have done Arzo.
But this operation has brought us and our American friends, our American partners, even closer. People like Ambassador Yuri Kim, Keith and their collaborators who have worked tirelessly to realize this very moment here. It has been an honor for us to help our partners in their time of need and I am sure our alliance and friendship will only be strengthened and it has entered a new phase or a new phase because of this operation. . So I do not want to take too much of your time. I know you are eager to get started and that you have a long way to go. I just want to wish you the best in your new life. It was a pleasure and an honor to receive you, to get to know you and I truly wish you a safe journey towards a much better life and future for you and your families. “said Xhaçka.
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