Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime, SPAK has sent for trial to the Special Court the case of abuse of office in Lushnja prison.
Involved in this case are the director of the prison, Judmir Shurdhi, prison employees Mariglen Myftari, Erjon Çela, Miranda Idrizi and Krenar Gozhina, former employees of the Lushnje Penitentiary Institution, who abused the tender in 2018.
While Jessica Kaja will be tried for the criminal offense “Failure to report a crime”.
The Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime Tirana, after conducting investigations in the framework of criminal proceedings no. 26 of 2020, in cooperation with the Directorate of Internal Control Service in Prisons, has managed to provide sufficient evidence and request that the case be sent for trial to the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, 6 (six) citizens, as follows:
Judmir Shurdhi, in the capacity of the head of IECD Lushnje, at the time of the events, for the commission of criminal offenses “Abuse of duty ‘ and “Violation of the equality of participants in public tenders or auctions”Committed in cooperation, provided respectively by Articles 248 and 258 and 25 of the Criminal Code;
Mariglen Myftari, Erjon Çela, Miranda Idrizi, employees of IECD Lushnje and Krenar Gozhina former employee of IECD Lushnje, for the criminal offense “Violation of the equality of participants in public tenders or auctions “ committed in cooperation, provided by Articles 258 and 25 of the Criminal Code;
Mariglen Myftari for the criminal offense “Passive corruption of persons exercising public functionsProvided by Article 259 of the Criminal Code;
Jessica Kaja, for the criminal offense “Failure to report a crimeProvided by Article 300, first paragraph of the Criminal Code.
From the investigation, it has resulted that in the procurement procedures with object: “Basic role employee transportation service”, With a value of limit fund 3 163 333 ALL, developed in 2018, as well as with the object:Uniform employee transport service”With a value of the limit fund 3 395 800 ALL without VAT, developed in 2019, from the Institution for the Execution of Criminal Decisions, Lushnje, legal violations have been identified, committed by the above citizens, which form the elements of the criminal offenses for which they are charged.
Specifically it turned out that the citizen Judmir Shurdhi, in the capacity of the head of the contracting authority, has charged the same persons to be in the capacity of a member of the Procurement Unit and the Bid Evaluation Commission, has approved the legal violations committed by them, both in 2018 and in 2019, and has put pressure on his subordinates in 2019 for the qualification of the operator VK natural person.
Members of the Procurement Unit, also members of the Bid Evaluation Commission have committed a series of violations contrary to the legal framework in the field of public procurement, violating the equality and freedom of participants in tenders in order to qualify the economic operator VK, a natural person in these tenders, in cooperation in 2019 with the citizen Miranda Idrizi, sole member of the Complaints Review Commission.
The citizen Mariglen Myftari, in the capacity of a member of the Procurement Unit and a member of the Bid Evaluation Commission, in 2019, has requested from the economic operator, the only participant in both of the above procurement procedures, a sum of money in order to announce his winner and in the absence of this benefit, proceeded with his disqualification.
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