Moderator Bora Zemani celebrated her 30th birthday the day before.
Congratulations on social media were plentiful as the artist herself celebrated with her friends in the evening. However, her past with actor Donald Veshaj was commented on again. It all started when three parachutes flew over the house of “Big Brother VIP”. In one of them, with the expression “Love should not be a secret”, the date 9 January is marked. Beatrix began to doubt and Donald told her that this date is his ex-partner’s birthday. The singer was understanding, telling her that it is part of his story and “these things have been discussed from the beginning”.
While during the Snow party, singers Clyde and Bruno approached the moderator next to them as they sang “Who separated you from me… Who filled your mind?” Bora has left and has taken the whole situation with a laugh.
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