Vasili: We heard that Rama considered the DASH report as a copy paste. When they like reports are very important. In 2016, Rama considered it as the most positive report in 25 years on the country’s achievements. So I know to appreciate it when I like it. When you do not like it is copy. It is clear that he does not like that it is a proof of the state’s failure because it is voiced but the answer to the elections, that is, the institution of the vote is ruined, justice from another piece. These are the words of the biggest strategic partner that the opposition has said and has uttered. This is the new justice after 6 years, politicized, collapsed, poor quality, captured and functioning with two standards, and as such it has turned into a disappointment for the citizens and has ensured the impunity of the citizens. Also the other pillar says galloping deepening of corruption. Clearly this power has also fallen. Further, the police, the report says that the police have not applied the law equally. So he is a political policeman. It does nothing but secure the background of the crime
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