Sokol Hazizaj: It all revolves around the decision of the security measure. The prosecution has used the media in its own interest with great finesse. A part of those who, in the measure of security, are not truths of absolute character. Giving it to the media, not deeply investigating extensively on what Dumani has reported, they tell them what to do, the media took us and deconstructed us. By not investigating well, it justifies the action. It has happened to me that due to the media environment they have been convicted without fact, without cause and without evidence. What to do, the media took you. The procedural and criminal code is based on the prohibition of disclosure. They are prohibitive provisions. Orientohend and strike those employees who have in hand the investigation and trial. That provision is very far from Anila Hoxha and Elton Qyno. What SPAK is, is a letter that has no value in relation to journalists, but to its employees. In relation to Qynon, I have followed and ascertained, either because of passion or information I approach the truth of the statements of the penitents. The journalist was brought to the investigation faster, he did better by the investigative body because he uses the reason deeper than the investigative body. This has been dragged on to articulate other names as well. They sold it to the media, it is SPAK’s thin mind. They deliberately take him out to have a strong weapon so that by not investigating him, they have the opportunity to go to court with charges. The prosecution does not take the courage to give evidence to a journalist during the investigation. They told the media that all these names are guilty, This investigation will go to the end. This type of scheme should eventually stop, it is the most dangerous scheme. Comes due to the publication of the publication measure. The presumption of innocence is up to the moment the decision is made. Those provisions are for them. The information given to the media is a security measure, others are the broken media products of some journalists.
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