Collective classes in our country are very prevalent for various reasons. but often for parents they have turned into a big problem.
Five parents from the village of Kolanec in Maliq complain to Fiks Fare that their children study in a collective classroom and are taught only by an elementary school teacher. It is about six children, from the sixth grade to the ninth grade. They asked for Fiks’ help, as they made several attempts at ZVA Maliq where they asked for an additional teacher for mathematics and Albanian language subjects, but so far they have not received any response. “We have requested additional teachers for our children and we have submitted our request to the relevant instances on September 27. They accompanied us with the words they will bring us, but until today our children have not seen any new teachers “, say the parents.
Asked if the children have encountered problems during the educational process in the way the teacher teaches, the parents indicate that the lesson starts at 8:30 and ends at 12:30 “a single teacher has nothing to do at that time, he just tells them to open the books take on this task and that’s it, ”they say unanimously. “They brought us a teacher for the subject of physical education once a week, we need teachers for the main subjects. The current teacher herself has told us to find another teacher, because she can not afford them. We need additional teachers, we do not want to transfer the children to another school in Maliq and the school will be closed “, say the parents for Fiks.
Fiks reporters looked closely at the school environment, where the teacher said she felt difficult in teaching with classrooms. “An additional teacher, especially for the basic subjects of mathematics, biology and chemistry, is needed, as the students themselves feel difficulties in these subjects,” says the teacher.
Fiksi also receives information in ZVA Maliq, where the director Gentjana Braho initially thanked the journalists for raising the problem and promised that she would return an official answer as well as a solution for the students.
In its response, the Local Education Office Maliq explained that according to the instruction of the ministry on July 28, 2021, when there are more than 10 students, teaching is conducted only in the subjects: Albanian Language, Foreign Language and Mathematics.
Given that in the school ‘Teki Kolaneci’ the number of students is less than 10, based on the decision, no additional teachers are sent. For this reason, students are offered the opportunity to attend the educational process in the 9-year school “Agimi” in Maliq.
ZVA Maliq pursuant to DCM No. 682 on the use of public funds for the transportation of teachers and students studying outside the residence, provides payment for transportation. But to date only one parent has transferred the child to Maliqi school at personal expense, while the other children continue to study in the collective classroom in Kolanec.
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