A few days ago, the Municipality of Tirana took the decision to limit the circulation of heavy vehicles and concrete mixers during the day, especially in the morning, when children go to school. Positive results were not lacking in the first days, which significantly reduced traffic in Tirana.
But, in fact, the same practice as Tirana for the facilitation of traffic during the day is followed by different cities in Europe and the world, which apply different rules for the circulation of goods and service trucks in urban areas. Some of them restrict their access based on tonnage, schedule, tolls, dedicated roads, parking, etc. The imposition of such restrictions has brought many advantages to the cities where it has been applied, such as reducing traffic, facilitating parking, improving service hours, reducing operating costs and a cleaner environment.
Some of the cities and states that have restricted the movement of heavy vehicles during the day are listed below:
– France and Korea restrict truck access during daylight hours and allow it at night. However, in France different rules apply to different cities. In Paris, traffic is prohibited from 8:00 to 20:00 on all days of the week (and is completely banned on weekends), but for trucks that have the latest years of production, other rules apply, as a result because they emit less pollution. and ambient noise (Paris City Council 2019).
– The Philippines stops the truck over 4.5 tons on 14 arterial roads from 6:00 to 21:00.
– Spain stops trucks during the day for some of the big cities. Due to the morning traffic, some of the big cities, like Barcelona, have stopped the circulation of trucks during the day. Madrid also bans trucks from 7:00 to 23:00, as well as during all weekend hours (EMESA Restrictions on Truck Traffic on the M-30, 2018).
– In Borlange, Sweden truck transport is done during night hours and early in the morning (Civitas Smart choices for cities Making urban freight logistics more sustainable 2020).
– In Italy, Rome, trucks over 3.5 tons are forced to travel at night from 20: 00-00: 08, but this varies for different cities. In Luka, traffic is prohibited from 07:00 to 22:00 and after this hour, trucks are not allowed to stay more than 15 minutes during the loading and unloading process in the temporary parking lots of the city. In Milan, in 2020, another rule for truck traffic was adopted, which limits them through the application of a payment of 5 euros during the moving hours from 07: 00-07: 30 (Civitas Smart choices for cities Making urban freight logistics more sustainable 2020).
– In Belgium, Mechelen, the circulation of trucks over 10 tons is prohibited. Trucks less than 10 tons are prohibited from traveling from 11:00 to 18:00 (Novelog, Urban Freight and Service Transport in European Cities 2020). Whereas, in big cities the truck traffic is stopped during the busy hours 7: 00-9: 00 and 16: 00-18: 00 (Truckerapps Truck bans in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in 2021).
– Berlin has reduced the circulation of trucks, which do not meet the conditions of environmental pollution during all hours.
– Budapest, in Hungary, restricts trucks during the day from 06:00 to 22:00, imposing fines for those who do not respect this schedule (Truckban Basic Information).
– In Istanbul, Turkey, trucks are restricted from 06:00 to 22:00 (Truckban Basic Information).
– There are different policies in the US. Often they allow and stop the circulation of trucks by offering incentives or payments, which are used according to the interests of the companies. In general, during traffic hours, the traffic of high capacity trucks is not recommended, for example in New York trucks are prohibited from 07: 00-10: 00 and 16: 00-19: 00 (NY Truck Stop 2018)
– In India, Mumbai has restricted truck traffic due to traffic from 07:00 to 23:00 (Bombay Goods Transport Association 2013)
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