Former President Ilir Meta has reacted to the announcement of the Information Authority on State Security Files, where it is said that Meta himself was part of the former State Security during communism.
He said during a press conference at noon today, that this act is regrettable as it shows the manipulation and criminalization of State Security files. Meta said that this whole thing has nothing to do with him and that the Dossier Authority is well aware of this story and who IM is, implying that it is not him.
Meta said the whole purpose of this is to defocus him from from the anti-corruption revolution.
Ilir Meta: Now, how can I avoid an answer when there is no Albanian on this earth who does not understand that with this act of suicide, because the File Authority before being a legal authority is a moral authority because it was given the task of dealing with the past of painful of the Albanians. Because you find people who escape the filter and are a danger to Albanians and to comfort the victims of that period. it is unfortunate for the Criminal Files Authority. They know what is or isn’t in those files they say.
Some anonymous electronic email that I’m sure when found out will make you all laugh. It was discovered that after 30 years, I was this man who became a deputy in March 1992 and was subject to all the filters, from Mr. Berisha, to the time of Fatos Nano, including the current authority. What did it cost this authority to call IM I am neither President nor MP, and why was a special law for this IM because no one allows those who have not known anything to verify.
Parliament rose to its feet. And which parliament? With Nicholas at the head or the Birth of Rama in the parliament, which is used for his personal needs to divert attention from the incinerators where everyone will be burned like rats, and from all other black affairs. For which I sent a letter to the parliament. That’s why the parliament is not convened, because it is a patron-Nazi parliament, with an opposition full of Lulush. I was worried about an anonymous letter.
But which parliament is concerned about this issue, it is precisely this parliament that forged the president’s signature when the trial in the Constitutional Court against the president of the republic was going on.
And it was this birth of the parliament that was used for the personal needs of the hallelji, to avoid attention.
I was only secretary of the youth of the Faculty of Economics. I had leadership skills since then, I was chosen because I organized. I know about 40-40 Ilir Metaj. There were two of us in my class.
The authority for personal needs, and creates concerns for many people, who today have children and have created families, is a problem in the first place of the authority of the files. It’s taken hostage. Now the Freedom Party has settled the account with Esat. Therefore, I want to assure the citizens that Ilir Meta is here, after 30 years of engagement in politics, because he has been and will be pure in his conscience, and not only that, he will continue for another 30-40 years. The desire now is to become the chairman of the referendum as soon as possible.
Do you understand what a misery this thing is, where is the authority of the file? They know very well how IM works and other things. They will bear the responsibility for this game that they are opening. For my children there is no concern that they have heard very serious things about their parents. The problem has only one name in this case! Authority of Files. They know this story very well. Nothing can save KM Kistoria, his election has ended. Why should you engage the parliament, let the parliament deal with the issue of the sea. Shall I start with the e-mails from New York, which I have names? There is no need to tire the parliament at all. They remember that with such tales they are distracting Ilir Rexhep Meta from the anti-corruption revolution. I have not had any communication with the Files Authority. As long as that chicken of the assembly comes out, that she is a thing without identity, she comes out and tells the Albanians that we will reveal IM With an average of 5.sa. He could have given me a call.”
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