Rama: The principle in selecting the candidacy was ‘we are at the disposal of the republic, not just the SP and ourselves in this case’.
We would not have a candidate from the SP group. The second direction addressed the possibility of candidates who are not members of the group but with a significant contribution to the SP, by Fatos Nano and on, for whom we have the greatest respect, but we saw fit to exclude this direction because at this stage of the life of the country SP has the burden of being the party of all. No matter how people vote, those who do not vote should not feel excluded.
So we focused on the third direction where the group had made available 26 candidacies, honored women and men with different profiles. After a high quality discussion and after weighing each candidature, maintaining respect for all persons, despite the fact that the meeting was closed, respect was maintained for the persons involved in the discussion even without their knowledge. In the end we reached 6 candidacies, and then consensually, although there was a very serious discussion about Begaj’s candidacy, the conclusion was reached
I feel sorry for any MP who was not involved in the process, because envelopes are jobs for young people. Despite this, I am convinced that he finds himself in the candidacy of Begaj, for whom I am convinced that the group will vote unanimously.
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