The National Assembly of the Democratic Party convened on Saturday at the Palace of Congresses has adopted a resolution of the National Council of the DP.
The resolution approved on December 12 in the Council and approved today by the Assembly, describes the December 11 meeting of the Assembly convened by former Prime Minister Sali Berisha as “illegal”. According to the resolution, the decisions are null and void and have no political or legal value for the DP.
“The National Council of the Democratic Party found that the convening of this rally by Mr. Sali Berisha with the claim that he was convening an Assembly of the Democratic Party and the so-called “decisions” violate all norms of the Statute of the Democratic Party that regulate its functioning and decision-making as political institution“, It is said in the resolution.
The resolution states that the Berisha movement resembles an anti-American-inspired political organization.
“DP strongly distances itself and condemns such movements that contradict its identity determinations, the interests of Democrats and all Albanians, the vital strategic relations of Albania and the Albanian Nation with the USA“, It is said among other things in the resolution.
Also, the Assembly of December 18 has made a change in the statute, which was presented by the member of the Committee on Assembly Affairs, Enkeled Alibeaj.
He said that the DP Presidency has proposed the creation of the Civic Alliance which will serve to bring closer to the Democratic Party prominent intellectuals in society, without the need to be a member of this political force.
He said that this alliance aims to analyze and give critical opinion to the policies, approaches and initiatives of the Democratic Party, helping the party to strengthen dialogue and constructive debate with society.
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