“Proposal which is an ultimatum for the future of our Macedonia. A proposal that is a dictate for megalomaniacal demands, historical aspirations towards Macedonia. For such a proposal, the answer is “No thanks”.
The proposal that is on the table and which the government hid and which we came to through our channels is the same one which was once rejected. I regret to state that this proposal contains all the Bulgarian demands, both in the history part, in the language part, and in the identity part.
The acceptance of this proposal means the full right of Bulgaria to change books and write them according to the Bulgarian dictates and our children in primary school learn as Bulgaria dictates or there is no European future. We accept that Goce Dellchev, Dame Gruev, Jane Sandanski and other heroes and revolutionaries were Bulgarians, that the Macedonian language is a dialect of Bulgarian,” said Hristijan Mickoski, chairman of VMRO-DPMNE./Alsat.mk
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