In Fiks Fare complained a lady from Rrogozhina who since May could not get the boy’s Kemp even though he was disabled of the first group.
Edmondi the son of the Gosa family since 1998 had suffered an accident falling from a height and as a result he has damaged his spine, c4-c5 vertebrae. This injury has cost Edmond a lot by paralyzing him and from that moment he only moves in a wheelchair.
His mother says that he is treated with Kemp, the category of the first group with a sum of 29 thousand ALL, and the one who serves him receives the amount of 10 thousand ALL as a caregiver. But she has not managed to get this money for 6 months, even though she has submitted the boy’s epicrisis since May.
“I have submitted the epicrisis since May and they tell us that we have to wait“, Says the mother for Fiks Fare.
Fiks Fare is interested in the Social Service Rrogozhina where the problem is that Edmondi are not managing to get Kepm. The specialist of this office explains that they have brought all the relevant documentation to the offices of the Superior Camp in Tirana. This institution according to the specialist always has such delays as they are justified by numerous files, workload. He even says for Fiks that this category of people are very neglected, as they are always penalized with delays and bureaucracy. While the director of the Social Service Rrogozhina due to these delays issues the pandemic covid-19.
In these circumstances Fiks FAre addresses a request to the Superior Camp where the problem of Edmond’s file lies. In their response they explain that patient Gosa did not contain the documentation previously left by the commission. He was asked for a resonance by the commission, which was stopped by the specialist doctor because it causes him pain.
Later in their response they assert that Mr. Gosa is scheduled to be commissioned to KMCAP Superior in the December 2021 session and will be formally notified by the administrative unit.
Following Fiks’ interest, reporters received a call from Edmond’s mother thanking the show. “Thanks to you, they called us to appear at KMCAP Superior and with a lot of effort I took the boy, now we are waiting for the payment” she says.
Edmond will finally get what belongs to him by law.
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