The Crime Investigation Specialists of the Elbasan Police Commissariat arrested in flagrante delicto the citizen ID, 34 years old, resident in the neighborhood “Dyli Haxhire”, Elbasan, for the criminal offenses “Domestic Violence” and “Actions contrary to the court decision”, after exercised physical violence against his wife, citizen AD, who is provided with a protection order.
The Crime Investigation Specialists of the Elbasan Police Commissar referred the materials to the Prosecution at the Elbasan Court of First Instance, for the citizens:
-EQ, 20 years old, resident in the neighborhood “28 Nëntori”, Elbasan, for the criminal offense “Unlawful possession of a uniform”, because during the control in his vehicle, were found and seized as material evidence 2 radios like those of the Police;
-I, resident in the village of Tërbaç, Elbasan, for the criminal offense “Threat”, after threatening with a sharp tool (knife), the citizen E. Gj .;
-Dh. B., 59 years old, resident in the neighborhood “Shënkoll”, Elbasan, for the criminal offense “Illegal construction”, after he was found performing illegal construction works;
The IB citizen, 47 years old, resident in the village of Pishaj, Gramsh, reported to the Gramsh Police Station that her husband, GB, 51 years old, had left the apartment. Work is underway to find him.
The materials were forwarded to the Prosecution at the Elbasan Court of First Instance, for further action.
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