The head of the Municipality of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who inspected the works, in the new school “17 February” in Qesaraka, said that after the damage it received in the 2019 earthquake, the new school is rising stronger and better quality.
“We have increased the capacity of the school by 20%. In the old building, the 500 students studied in two shifts, while in the new school, the lesson will be in one shift for 600 students. It is great news for the area of Fresk, Tesari, Qesaraka, Linza, but also for Unit 3. I am asking parents to enroll their children in the school closest to their home, because this way they save the lost hours for the children, who during that time can attend a course, play sports or learn an instrument”, said Veliaj.
The mayor added that with the opening of 12 new schools in September, the bouquet of 40 schools opened in his two mandates at the head of the Municipality of Tirana is completed.
“In September we will open a new school in Dritas, in the most extreme suburb of Tirana, but we will also open new schools in the center, such as the “Sami Frashëri” gymnasium or at the entrance gates of the city, such as the “Andrea Stefani” school in Shqiponja, the “Kennedy” and “Mother Teresa” schools in Kodër Kamzë, and “Bashkim Fino” in Unit 2. With the bouquet of 12 new schools, which we are opening in September, we have given Tirana 40 new schools in two mandates – something unprecedented compared to the mandate of the previous administration, where no school was built. Each of the new schools has a gym open to the community as well. We made sure to build schools not just for today, not to solve the problems of the moment, but to build the schools of a new century”, he said.
Meanwhile, Veliaj announced the issuance of a new order regarding the movement of heavy tonnage vehicles in the city during the two summer months. Starting from this Friday, at 18:00, until Monday, at 07:00 in the morning, the movement of heavy tonnage vehicles will be allowed, as in September, with the beginning of the school year and when citizens return from the holidays, the restriction of their movement will be restored.
“Summer is an ideal time to work because there is less traffic and people are on vacation. That is why every Friday through Monday, we will allow the movement of heavy tonnage vehicles to finish construction sites, like this school. Since between Friday and Monday, people spend the weekend at the beach, the traffic eases up a bit, allowing us to continue working with heavy equipment. I ask for understanding from the citizens because we need to catch September for schools. As long as the flow goes down and the children are out of school, it is possible to finish the schools on time. This is the reason why I signed the order, so that during the weekend, we have the opportunity to work with heavy equipment. In September, with the return to normality and the opening of schools, the movement of vehicles will be stopped again. I believe that this is how we can catch the rhythm of the days, working on the weekend, so that we all come out clean-cheeked in September with the schools”, concluded Veliaj.
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