Prime Minister Edi Rama during a meeting with journalists said that Albanians and internationals should be clear that as long as he is in charge of the government, no one can put pressure on the judiciary.
“Therefore, all Albanians, internationals, must be clear that this party is the only entity that neither does nor will make them as long as I am here once to put pressure on justice where the punishment of corrupt politicians or judges, pressure on justice in my opinion no, in my opinion a legitimate request to demand more from justice we mean while justice has become the biggest investment in the history of this country in political terms either by the ruling party SP. Some pressure is to seek the investigation of a former president and former prime minister declared non grata by the US on charges related to the activity of the institutions of this country, and to do so almost a year after the non grata declaration was made and after the US Secretary of State has publicly demanded in the statement that the country’s institutions will do their job and to be able you can prove the opposite I did not ask and no one has asked for punishment but investigation, but it is a necessity, by an independent judiciary that if it were not independent former ministers would not be under investigation“, Said Rama.
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