For a 12-character password that contains at least one capital letter, a symbol, and a number, it would take 34,000 years for a computer to find it.
Passwords like “123456Or Qwerty appearing in the most used password lists dshould definitely be removed from use, but even slightly more unique passwords can be easily detected if software is used to find them through systematic tests.
As can be seen in the data from Security.org, adding just one capital letter to a password can significantly alter its security. In the case of an eight-character password, it can be found in 22 minutes, compared to just one second to find the password without any capital letters – an increase of more than 1,000%.
Although the added time in this case is not absolutely enough to have a secure password, the high security benefits that come from using characters other than lowercase can be multiplied. When using at least one capital letter and one number, it would take the computer an hour to find an eight-character password.
Add another symbol and it takes eight hours. To make a password really secure, even more characters or more than one capital letter, number or symbol can be added. A twelve-character password, with a capital letter, a number and a symbol is almost impossible to find, as it takes a computer 34,000 years to discover it.
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