In the last 24 hours, 1534 tests were performed, of which 581 citizens tested positive for COVID19 in the following municipalities:
329 in Tirana, 45 in Fier, 23 in Lezha, 18 in Durrës, out of 13 citizens in Kurbin, Kruja, Vlora, out of 12 citizens in Lushnje, Elbasan, 10 in Gjirokastra, out of 9 citizens in Shkodra, Saranda, Berat, out of 7 citizens in Roskovec, Divjakë, from 5 citizens in Kamëz, Gramsh, from 4 citizens in Vora, Maliq, Pogradec, from 3 citizens in Vau i Dejës, Puka, Përmet, Poliçan, from 2 citizens in Shijak, Kavaja, Patos, Mallakastër, Himarë, Librazhd, by 1 citizen in Malësi e Madhe, Tropojë, Delvinë, Memaliaj, Kolonjë, Skrapar.
There are 2,528 active citizens with Covid19 nationwide.
Currently 21 patients are receiving treatment in COVID3 hospital. In the last 24 hours there is no loss of life with Sars-Cov2.
217 citizens have been cured in the last 24 hours, bringing the number of cured to 274,271 since the beginning of the epidemic.
Statistics (29 June 2022)
New daily cases 581
Healed in 24 hours 217
Hospitalized 21
Loss of life in 24 hours 0
Daily tests 1534
Total tests 1,847,632
Positive cases 280,298
Cured cases 274,271
Active Cases 2,528
Loss of life 3,499
Geographical distribution of active cases by regions:
Tirana 1,842
Fier 168
Vlora 133
Durrës 99
Gjirokastra 70
Lezha 66
Shkodër 50
Elbasan 46
Korça 24
Berat 21
Dibër 6
Kukës 3
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