Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Saturday that the only way for Russia to take Kiev is to bomb it and kill its inhabitants.
“If that’s their goal, let them come“, He said.
“Only by bombing and erasing the historical memory of the whole region, the history of Europe, can they enter Kiev.”
Meanwhile, Russian troops are trying to further encircle Kiev, fighting against major resistance in the west and north of the city.
Also after twelve days of siege, the strategic city of Ukraine’s southern port, Mariupol, is without water, gas, electricity and communications, while people are suffering for food in recent days.
The number of civilians killed during the siege of Mariupol reached 1582, and some of the victims had to be buried in mass graves, bringing sad images that had not been seen since World War II.
Local authorities fear the actual number could be much higher.
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