The Bar Association in Korça has confirmed the boycott of the judiciary due to the opposition to the new map which in this district out of 4 courts let only one of them function.
The new map in Korça closes the court of first instance in Pogradec, as well as the administrative and appellate courts of Korça, which increases the costs of citizens but also significantly reduces their access to the justice system. According to the head of the Bar Association in Korça, Arben Lena, the closure of the courts restores the failed system of ’98 but also increases the chances that especially the marginalized groups will go towards self-judgment.
The head of the Fier Bar Association, Ermal Hamataj, says the boycott is the latest attempt to “change the mind” of the High Judicial Council on the new map. He warned of escalating protests over a month-long boycott.
“130 lawyers from Vlora start the boycott on Tuesday after the Court of Appeals and the Administrative Court close in this district”
The HJC decision on the new court map will close the Kurbin court. The Lezha Bar Association protested this Monday because, according to them, the Lezha court does not have the capacity to handle all court cases.
The new court map approved a few days ago by the HJC, brings the closure of the Kurbin court, to be transferred to a single one at the level of the Lezha judicial district.
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