The United States Embassy has returned a response today to former Prime Minister Berisha, explaining that no decision to declare non grata has been withdrawn in the past.
The American Embassy in Tirana has responded to Sali Berisha’s request to remove the title person ‘non grata’.
From the National Assembly convened by him, Mr. Berisha explicitly addressed the DASH requesting a review of the decision made public by Secretary Blinken.
Through this graph the US embassy shows that the number of decisions to remove the non grata declaration is zero in the past.
In such circumstances, Mr. Berisha’s request for DASH remains non-negotiable and that the US does not intend to give up the decision taken.
Also through this graph, the American embassy in Tirana explains that so far there are over 200 people declared ‘non grata’ from different countries of the world.
The attitude of the embassy does not end there.
Shows that so far in no case has an apology been apologized for the cases of persons declared ‘non grata’.
These three data published by the diplomatic headquarters of the United States show that the information collected and used against persons already non grata is solid and without any element that would serve to waive the decision or even to apologize.
On the other hand, Yuri Kim has stated that the US will sever relations with the DP, if Berisha takes over its leadership.
“We will not engage with anyone who has been declared non grata by the Secretary of State”.
Sali Berisha and his family were declared non-women in the United States.
It was the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who announced the DASH decision.
Based on this decision, the head of the blue headquarters Lulzim Basha expelled Berisha from the PD Parliamentary Group.
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