The Municipality of Tirana had organized a big spectacle in Skënderbej Square to welcome the change of years.
Apart from the singers Alban Skënderaj and Elvana Gjata who performed some of their hits, there was a spectacle of fireworks during the change of years.
The LSA has brought pictures of the fireworks that ‘lit up’ Tirana at midnight. The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj welcomed the New Year 2022 in “Skënderbej” Square together with the citizens. Veliaj said that, “despite the difficulties, we should all be together, because only then are we stronger”.
The mayor stressed that this year will be special as Tirana will be the “European Youth Capital” where over 1000 activities will take place.
“An applause for Elvana, Albani, Tirona’s boys and girls who make her so proud, who are so talented who work hard and maybe have come from all over Albania, but have made a success story here in Tirana. Embrace those close to you, the people you have seen for a long time, this is our moment, this is the moment of Tirana in 2022.
We will be the European Capital of Youth and it does not matter at all whether we are left or right, Christian or Muslim, north or south. This is our Tyrone! And our Tirona is wonderful and it is a space that has given everyone a chance to succeed in life and move forward. We have gone through an extraordinary situation, 2 difficult years with the earthquake with the pandemic, but when we become together we always rise stronger, more united, more loving.
I wish you all a happy new year for you, for your families. Each of us can be a better family member, a better friend, a better neighbor, a better neighbor, a better colleague. And if each of us is a little better, the whole of Tirana will shine. Blessings to you and your families. And now we have a fireworks display that I want to count together. We are ready! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Happy New Year 2022. Best wishes, health, luck to your families “, said Veliaj.
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