Former Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Kristaq Kume shared for “Top Talk” his opinion on the presidential election.
Kume said that it is enough for the candidate to be suitable to perform his duty as president of the Republic of Albania.
“Rama has stated that he welcomes and why not consider a candidacy that does not come from his people. If he is suitable to perform that task as required by law and the constitution of the republic. “he said.
In the studio, Kume was asked if he would accept an invitation from Rama via a phone call, where he would be offered the post of president, while the answer remained an enigma.
“I will say that such a phone call, the first thing you feel is the satisfaction of the assessment that has been made, on the other hand, man measures his strengths how good he is to cope with the task before which you have to do your best.”said Kume.
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